----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Venrick
To: AJack R. Venrick
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 12:08 PM
Subject: FAQ re. the Myth - "How are we going to pay for everything we need in America" - PART 2


Allyson -
My response follows your questions. 
In order to see the big  picture and better understand the take down of America read the attached two reports, especially th one title "Know The Score..".  Americans have been intentially blinded to their own slavery by the institutions that are profiting from the creation of this mass ignorance, apathy and hysteria.
----- Original Message -----
From: Brooks, Allyson (DAHP)
To: Jack Venrick
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 8:51 AM
Subject: RE: Frequently Asked Questions re. the Myth - "How are we going to pay for everything we need in America"

Ok I agree with you on some points but not others:
The problem is NOT that the government has too little funds, it is:
  • because it has too much - it depends on how they are used. Do you get Medicare and social security? I am sure you appreciate both of those.

These social systems are unconstitutional.  
  • A Constitutional Republic limited government is NOT a charity organization nor a church.  
  • Governments are corporations and artifical legal fiction bodies set up to protect your freedoms and liberties NOT your pensions, health, safety, and any other social needs you may conjure up. 
The state has become entangled in a web of social, monetary, financial, corporate, individual, healtcare that are only found in collectivist, marxist, socialist, communist, fascist form of over control tyrannical governments.  
  • Medicare, social security, drivers licenses, drivers plates, regulations, codes, permits, ordinances, acts, laws, all the corrupted direct and indirect taxes forces go against the founding laws of the land, the Laws of Nature and Nature's God. 
These systems are NOT solutions nor are they entitlements you automatically have a right too. 
  • These systems are forced upon free and sovereign natural born state Citizens. 
  • The funds in the so called Social Security, while they are money contributed by the private sector employed and their employer are NOT invested. 
  • The social security fund is only a pass thru or transfer pool that has been raided by the crooks in CONgress.  
  • Medicare and Socical "Security" are at and near bankrutcy.  
All levels of American government, the union of the states (fed), states, counties and cities are
  •  at or near or live on the edge of financial ruin because
  •  they derive their sources of revenuecome from largely unconstitutional and illegitimate and fraudulent sources.
When you put a gun to a persons head and say here take this "service" or drivers license or drivers plate or diluted title or usurious interest mortgage or some barbaric fuedal fraudulent tax..
A free Constituitonal Republic is based on free choice not on forced "services"
  • created by forced takings created by fundemental contrived forced,  contrived and preditory fundementals,
  • e.g.  central banking fraud, monetary fraud, debasement of our currenct to total debt, worthless, fiat paper
  • that is not worth the paper it is printed on, th creation of needless wars for profit and power. 

too much power, - it depends where its being used.
      1                        Global Elite                                            Creator
      2                        Majority                                                  Individual
      3                        Government                                           Constitution
      4                        Public Servants                                      Government
      5                        Case & Statute Law                               Public Servants
      6                        Corporations                                          Statute Law
      7                        Individual                                                Corporations
The only power in a free society resides in the individual natural born state Citizen. 
  • I keep showing you this very simple chart, which answers all of your questions once you realize...
  •  that no one else but yourself stands before you to protect you and care for you,
  • Only you and God can do this.
  • No one else is reponsible. 
  • Half of America at least have been brain washed that someone else is responsible for taking care of them. 
  • The government is NOT a church, NOT a charity, NOT your family, NOT your friend and NOT your neighbor.
No one loves you but those family & friends.
  • Artifical orgainizations
    • e.g. governments, BAR associations, courts, legislators, executives, corporations, associations,
    • military industrial complex, foreign countries, etc.
    • are NOT oblicated to take care of you. 
    • They are not capable of love nor were they designed to be because they are NOT natural born. 
Because they are NOT capable of expressing the most basic and powerful force in the world (love),
  •  it is an oxymoron to think a public institution or even a private one can be designed to take care of you 
  •   It is easy to make a case these artificial groups have done nothing but destroyed our freedoms, liberty,
    • peace and quiet and the sanctity of our private and public property as well as our traditional way of life.  
General and President Eisenhower warned Americans of the excessive power of the militiary industrial complex.

too much taxes, - yes, but on the individual...personally, I think large business needs to pay their fair share.  Ironically, you live in a state without income tax which you should appreciate.  If you were in NYC you would pay federal, state AND local taxes + property taxes!  My property taxes in Minnesota were double what they are here.  Just try Connecticut.  I lived in South Dakota where there is no income tax and property taxes are cheap.  But its South Dakota.  I quite like SoDak however.  The individual is in pretty good shape in WA unless you are a small business.  Boeing gets a great tax deal here.  They get major major tax breaks that others do not get.
"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages...will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that the system is inimical ["Injurious or harmful in effect; adverse"] to their best interests." Rothchild Brothers
You and I and all of the free world have been taken big time.  The current system is illegitimate, treasonous and completley unnecessary.  
  • There is ONLY one month difference in the tax freedom day
    • between the lowest taxed state of the union in Alabama
    • and the highest taxed state of Connecticut
  • i.e. "you should aprreciate" how bad you have been CONned out of all that rightfully belongs to you. 
  • It makes little difference what state you live in,
    • they are all controlled by higher forces who operate beneath the public's awareness
    • stealing all their private and public property and their traditional way of life.
  • www.taxfoundation.org has all the data.
  • All of these direct and indirect taxes laid upon the natural born state Citizens are illegitimate
  • AND worse yet, they are all unnecessary

  • too much confiscation's - including heritage takings - preserving American history could never be a bad thing!!
Remember the big picture of the puzzle on the box analogy.  You are looking at everything from within your little government created box and NOT getting out of it to see the big picture. 
  • The "preservation" of American "history" especially via land and public funds takings which ultimately have downstream collacteral impact on all of the abutting and near by propery owners is wrong and uneccessay
  • The hard truth is the American founding and fundemental laws of the land were taken down and lost 233 years ago.
  • The high court decesions reaffirming the take down of our private property have been swept under the rug of history
  • The endless and continuous takings of our traditions, public property, jobs, industry, debasement of our currency, illegitmate use of usury upon the natural born, abuse of eminent domain, the dilution of allodial rights to strong titles to our property, the extortion and debasement of a very limited tax system into a system which kills and inprisions good Americans and drives them from their homes, land, jobs and into the street is the history you need to preseve for the world to see
  • The history you are trying to preserve is only the politically correct dumbed down Polly Anna feel good "history" 

  • too much unaccountable funds.  - like the billions that disappeared in Iraq?
Yes AND Like the 11 trillion dollar debt we are in that has bankrupted America long ago and has gone exponetial.  The globalist via the central bankers have pillaged everything of value in this country long ago. 

  • too many wars abroad - agreed

  • too many wars and takings against its own kind - agreed on the first, not sure what you mean by the second.
This is only a sample of the debauchery of wars, read "The Creature From Jekyll Island" which is a documentary on all the takings behind the scenes, e.g.
  • The Civil War was unecessary.
  • It was an orchastration of taking by the Northern power centeres over the South
  • It had little to do with slavery which was only used as an excuse to invade (sound familiar)
  • The Spanish American War was concoted by President McKinley
  • WWI was concoted
  • WWII was a continuation of WWII because Germany was allowed to rearm going against the Treaty of Versailles
  • ad infinitum  

Regarding The Boeing Company. 
I did right here -
I was not employed by any military or aerospace company of Boeing.  There are at least a dozen subsidiaries of The Boeing Company many of whom do business with the government.  They are certainly more profitable because of the corruption and the nature of the beast of government.  If the company is funded by LEGITIMATE SOURCES OF REVENUE AS DEFINED ABOVE, and live within that budget, the nation will prosper.  If they don't, the nation will collapse into wars and debt and revolution and this is exactly where we are heading. 
That is correct.
Their profit margin was around 2%.  - only for commercial.  You are still neglecting all their contracts with public tax dollars...which is a major portion of the company.  
I think you missed this paragraph or misread it, i.e I agree with you.
I was not employed by any military or aerospace company of Boeing.  There are at least a dozen subsidiaries of The Boeing Company many of whom do business with the government.  They are certainly more profitable because of the corruption and the nature of the beast of government.  If the company is funded by LEGITIMATE SOURCES OF REVENUE AS DEFINED ABOVE, and live within that budget, the nation will prosper.  If they don't, the nation will collapse into wars and debt and revolution and this is exactly where we are heading.
Consider your source.  Mayors are an intergral part of the inbred colluded predatory system.  The Boeing Company was being "raped" by the state of Washington NOT by the girl friend.  The Boeing Company and its employees were impacted ultimately by the fascist state of Washington.  What employer and in fact what sovereign state natural born wants to live in such an oppressive fuedal state as Washington.  The word I hear is ultimately Boeing will leave the Collective State of Washington in total, its just a matter of time.  I'm getting out of here too.

The Boeing Company has been outsourcing its business for decades - yeah, and look what happened.  Their planes don't work.  The wings don't fit on the body of the aircraft.
What you describe is Standard Operating Procedure for new models

The fraudulent and treasonous model of  the corporate state created the unions. 

Responded to above, Boeing left because of the State NOT a "girl friend".  I was there during this time.

The Boeing Company and many others especially in the aerospace and electronics industry are contract by the government.  Government funding is highly inefficient and in fact it is completely counter productive.  You keep looking at government as good and necessary while in fact it is the antithesis of both.  Economies thrive IF they are completely free with limited regulation.  Governments do NOT add value they create enormous drag on a free society.  Governments and tax funded industry do NOT add wealth to a free society because the source of the funding is from the most part fraudulent forced debased taxing, banking and monetary systems.  

You have answered  you own question using the above response. 

They have rights and much more risks than government employees.  -yea..but my taxes still pay their salary and retirement.  They are fully funded by TAX dollars. Without taxes Boeing couldn't survive.  You yourself made the point that their commercial enterprise has a narrow profit margin.  They need defense (i.e. tax dollars) to make their corporation function. 
Again you are making my point.  Tax dollars are counter productive in a free society because they are taken from others illegitimately.  If the American system of government was limited and used ONLY legitimate forms of revenue mentioned earlier then this would work. I think you are confusing my working at the commercial side of Boeing as a statement I support the non commercial side?  Many engineers will not work in the military side because they want no  part of that business.

Look  at this chart.  Off the job you are the same as I, but on the job you have a much higher standard since you are on the public tax dole. 
You are obligated on the job to protect my natural and unalienable rights NOT take them away.  What you do off the job is your own business but on the job your business is to  protect the natural born.  Check out the web page on Natural Law and Natural Rights and the page on Unalienable Rights on my site.
Here is one example applicable to federal employees.  The source of this information "The Federal Zone" has come out the work of Paul Mitchell whose work has become legendary even in the high courts.  His work and this chart apply to the federal government.  There are at least two more like three layers of citizens and "governments".     
                       Citizen of the "United States"                                          Alien
Resident    A resident federal citizen living                                Resident alien living in a Federal Zone -
                 in the Federal Zone, e.g. a federal                           e.g. non federal state Citizen living on   
                  employee living in D.C. or anyone of                       a military base, D.C. or anyone             
                 the U.S. territories or on a militiary base                  of the U.S. territories
Nonresident      A federal citizen living in a non Federal Zone -      A NATURAL BORN FREE & SOVEREIGN
                         Federal Zone - e.g. a federal employee                 STATE  CITIZEN LIVING IN ONE OF THE
                         living in a sovereign state                                 SEVERAL SOVEREIGN STATES
You still haven't answered the question of how a civilized society functions without taxes.  There are places I know that fit your description:
- No taxes
-No police (only neighborhood community watch groups ...and you pay fee for service)
- No public education
- No road or infrastructure
- No emergency services
-No corporations!!!! Just small trade....
- No taxes ..only small payments to local officials.
That place is called Afghanistan.  There are former countries of the USSR that have a similar no tax/style of living structure.  You could also try New Guinea. 
You are correct in that you will not change my mind. But I think our country is the BEST place in the world to live no matter how much you don't like it.  You would never have the retirement or your ranch or your ability to send the kinds of e-mails that you do in any other nation in the world.  That is what makes our country so wonderful.  I am a patriot of our nation.  You should consider all the amazing things that you have achieved because you are an American.  You should uphold our values and our Democratic system.  I have always thought that being born in the US is like winning the lottery.  We are the luckiest people (regardless of taxation and unnecessary wars) in the world.  Our standard of living is incomparable. 
All my best

From: Jack Venrick [mailto:jacksranch@skynetbb.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 5:16 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Frequently Asked Questions re. the Myth - "How are we going to pay for everything we need in America"


Dear Allyson -
A fellow rural property owner friend frequently warns me it is useless to engage those who have made up their minds with this clever cliche
However, I am going to take the high road here.  You are at least a open government employee willing to engage is a discussion which is rare. 
Thank you for being curious and asking. I hope you don't mind that I send this out to my email list as all of us can hopefully gain some history which your questions prompted.  I removed your contact information.  We all learn more when good questions are asked.
I apologize up from for the length.  The good news is  you only have to spend 5 minutes to get the drift, I had to spend 5 years and counting and that was on the backs of others in the freedom movement who have spent a lifetime uncovering the ball of lies that have been created by the dark side.

1.  Allyson Brooks Ph.D. Director/State Historic Preservation Officer
"But since we are debating you didn't answer my original question...regardless of whether taxes or legal or illegal....
 Jack's Reply
I did answer your question the first time.  I will restate, also check this link, "Legitimate vs Illegitimate Sources of Government Revenue"

2.   Allyson Brooks Ph.D. Director/State Historic Preservation Officer
"How are you going to pay for basic education, roads, emergency rooms, fire,
police, bus service...etc.  Without them?  What alternative to you
propose so that we still have a civilized society?" 
Jack's Reply 
The problem is NOT that the government has too little funds, it is:
Government does not have to pay the central bankers interest on freely printed money, no one has to pay usurious interest on free money including the government.  Why do they drive us all into debt and bankrupt us out of our own homes and land and country?  Its all because of the fraudulent banking, monetary, legal, legislative and executive model. 
This could be changed over night and we all would be free
The US Constitution is the "official" "corporate bylaws" of the union of the several states and the individual states.  The individual state constitutions are subordinate to it & must be in compliance.  Lets just put aside that the fact that the US Constitution was NOT legitimately voted on by the some 3 million colonists nor their individual state legislatures for now. 
The majority of the Commonwealths and Republics despised taxes because they had been suffering from it and revolted from the tyranny of the British taxes and King George, et al.  It makes no sense that the Americans once they freed themselves from these oppressive forms of taxes would turn around and lay out a charter to legitimize again the tax takings they revolted from.  But the Federalists did exactly that.
The Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of Independence are really the only two legitimate standing government charters of the land.  That is aside from the Laws of Nature and Nature's God. 
There is nothing in the US Constitution that requires the natural born state Citizens to support an infrastructure such as "education, roads, emergency rooms, fire, police, bus service."  See Attached Congress Has Power To. 
These services MAY BE funded from only the legitimate sources of revenue for government
"A government on the principles on which constitutional governments arising out of society are established, cannot have the right of altering itself.  If it had, it would be arbitrary.  It might make itself what it pleased; and wherever such a right is set up, it shows there is no constitution.."  Rights of Man, Thomas Paine, pg. 73.
The founding intent was to amend the Articles of Confederation to control Commerce ONLY with a 5% tax on imports/customs.

3. Allyson Brooks Ph.D. Director/State Historic Preservation Officer
Complete anarchy is not a viable alternative for anyone..certainly not our children.
Ironically, it is taxes that pay for government contracts with
Boeing...that helped pay your salary for 30 years and now pays for your
retirement.  Boeing is heavily dependent on government contracts (i.e.
our tax dollars) for at least half of their business lines.  As you must
know, they receive at least half their business from the Dept. of
Defense, who gets all their money from us.  So the retirement that you
are receiving while on your ranch is from public tax dollars. 

Jack's Reply  
We are in anarchy already,  we have no legitimate Constitutional Republic form of government.  The current fascist system is only held together by a police state gone insane 
Regarding The Boeing Company. 
My pension comes from my contributions plus The Boeing Commercial Airplane Company private sector contributions to the retirement plan over 30 years.  I was not employed by any military or aerospace company of Boeing.  There are at least a dozen subsidiaries of The Boeing Company many of whom do business with the government.  They are certainly more profitable because of the corruption and the nature of the beast of government.  If the company is funded by LEGITIMATE SOURCES OF REVENUE AS DEFINED ABOVE, and live within that budget, the nation will prosper.  If they don't, the nation will collapse into wars and debt and revolution and this is exactly where we are heading. 

4.  Allyson Brooks Ph.D. Director/State Historic Preservation Officer
I don't understand your surprise at centuries of corruption.  Think of
all the empires..the Roman Empire, the Christian Empire under
Charlemagne, the Ottoman Empire, British Royalty, the British Empire,
French Royalty, Napoleon, the French Empire, the Russian Czar, Communist
Russia, Chinese Imperialism, Communist China, the 2nd and 3rd Reichs,
the Incas, the Aztecs..all you have uncovered is traditional human
nature to control money and power that has gone on since the first
irrigation systems helped establish the first villages. Its been that
way since the earliest civilizations... Why get upset about it?

Jack's Reply 
"We are a Constitutional Republic madam, if you can keep it, is the answer Ben Franklin gave to a women asking "what do we have.." when he hobbled out of the Philadelphia "Constitutional Convention". 
This is a very simple table below but most do not get it. 
Your birthrights were NOT given to you by any artificial entity.
Artificial bodies have no legitimate power over the natural born.
All of these groups above are artificial and have NO power over you as a natural born state Citizen 
Shareholders and most employees of private corporations are not directly responsible for the acts of the company as the whole. 
Hopefully this example above further clarifies the divine position the natural born are in shown below. 

5.  Allyson Brooks Ph.D. Director/State Historic Preservation Officer
You want freedom.  Freedom from what?  Freedom from what has gone on for
millenniums?  Every revolution has just brought about a new government
that acts the same way within a year or two.  Look at the poor Russian
peasants who tried to get rid of the Czar and ended up with Stalin
instead. Stalin killed millions and millions of people. Revolutions just
breed their own corruption.
Jack's Reply 
Same answer above applies here -

6.  Allyson Brooks Ph.D. Director/State Historic Preservation Officer
In any case, lets say all taxes went away.  How would we continue as a
civilized society? Where would your retirement come from?

Jack's Reply 
Taxes are NOT a basis of "civilized society",  in fact it is the other way around. 
The dark side are able to bend the minds and consciousness of the weak minds (mine included 5 years ago)
Finally my retirement comes from my work and investments and what I created in my life. 

7.  Allyson Brooks Ph.D. Director/State Historic Preservation Officer
Finally, all the heritage area is proposing to do is celebrate American
history.  It has far less to do with taxation than Boeing.  A tiny
little heritage area could never ever equal Boeing in the use of
American tax dollars
Jack's Reply 
I defer to Scott Shock and Tom DeWeese's warnings. Just the fact that these people are engaging government is a red flag. The down steam collateral impact on these "heritage" area designations are destructive beyond imagination. It is the nose of the camel under the tent.  Before too long you will see the head of the camel in the tent, then the neck, then the torso, then the body.  Wilderness designations, parks, government legal semantic swindling labels of any kind are not to be trusted.  These are just silent takings that grow into a cancer.  This is how complete freedom and liberty in America have been taken down one generation after another. 
The Boeing Company has one foot in the public pig trough, that is true, and the other is in the commercial business.  
Government AND those who take from the government, have a much higher standard of accountability and transparency. 
The government and its puppeteers have gone to far, taken too much and need to be put to sleep before the public and private land owners do it for them and/or are systemically euthanized for the good of the whole and the heritage of this nation.
A tyrannical government of any kind has no standing in a totally free society.  The first experiment and immediate failure of a "free" "Constitutional Republic" proves this.  Government is upside down and backwards on everything they touch.
Jack Venrick
Enumclaw, Washington
The Boeing Company (Commercial Airplanes)
30 Years Retired
Montana State University
----- Original Message -----
From: Allyson Brooks
To: Jack Venrick
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 7:53 AM
Subject: RE: The Skullduggery of The History of America

Jack - I won't pick on you for spelling since obviously I am not the
best speller either....

But since we are debating you didn't answer my original
question...regardless of whether taxes or legal or illegal.... How are
you going to pay for basic education, roads, emergency rooms, fire,
police, bus service...etc.  Without them?  What alternative to you
propose so that we still have a civilized society?  Complete anarchy is
not a viable alternative for anyone..certainly not our children.
Ironically, it is taxes that pay for government contracts with
Boeing...that helped pay your salary for 30 years and now pays for your
retirement.  Boeing is heavily dependent on government contracts (i.e.
our tax dollars) for at least half of their business lines.  As you must
know, they receive at least half their business from the Dept. of
Defense, who gets all their money from us.  So the retirement that you
are receiving while on your ranch is from public tax dollars. 

I don't understand your surprise at centuries of corruption.  Think of
all the empires..the Roman Empire, the Christian Empire under
Charlemagne, the Ottoman Empire, British Royalty, the British Empire,
French Royalty, Napoleon, the French Empire, the Russian Czar, Communist
Russia, Chinese Imperialism, Communist China, the 2nd and 3rd Reichs,
the Incas, the Aztecs..all you have uncovered is traditional human
nature to control money and power that has gone on since the first
irrigation systems helped establish the first villages. Its been that
way since the earliest civilizations... Why get upset about it?

You want freedom.  Freedom from what?  Freedom from what has gone on for
millenniums?  Every revolution has just brought about a new government
that acts the same way within a year or two.  Look at the poor Russian
peasants who tried to get rid of the Czar and ended up with Stalin
instead. Stalin killed millions and millions of people. Revolutions just
breed their own corruption.

In any case, lets say all taxes went away.  How would we continue as a
civilized society? Where would your retirement come from? 

Finally, all the heritage area is proposing to do is celebrate American
history.  It has far less to do with taxation than Boeing.  A tiny
little heritage area could never ever equal Boeing in the use of
American tax dollars.

All the best


Allyson Brooks Ph.D.
Director/State Historic Preservation Officer
Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation

Please note: As of Sept. 22nd 2008, DAHP will have new office hours.
The agency will be open from 7-5:30 on M-Thurs and closed on Fridays.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Venrick [mailto:jacksranch@skynetbb.com]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 1:21 AM
To: Brooks, Allyson (DAHP)
Subject: The Skullduggery of The History of America

Allyson -
The problem is NOT that the government has too little funds it is
because it has too much, i.e. too much power, too much taxes, too much
confiscation's, too much unaccountable funds.  Government does not have
to pay the central bankers interest on freely printed money, no one has
to pay usurious interest on free money, all property titles should be
allodial not fee simple, ad nausea.
The tax system in America on the natural born goes against all the laws
of the land and "The Laws of Nature and Nature God".  I have been
researching this for 5 years and you can find my work and others here
"Income taxes are unconstitutional and the 16th Amendment was never
fully ratified by the then 48 states but the illegitimately rammed it
through and then it was only suppose to be for profit and gain NOT
wages.  Wages are private property and cannot be taxed as they are a
right.  Property taxes have been declared unconstitutional by at least 3
high state courts because they are not apportioned by every man, women
and child as the US Constitution declares.   The state and the
teachers union ignore the law.  The sales tax is an excise tax and
cannot be placed directly upon the natural born via a till tax.  The
home sales tax in Washington is an excise tax and cannot be placed upon
the natural born, only on corporations.
There are no apportioned direct taxes in America as the constitution
defines, i.e. no direct taxes upon the natural born are apportioned.
And even then they were to only be applied during extraordinary crisis
for short periods of time and not to exceed 2% and to be voluntary.
Read #7 especially.
The freedom movement is uncovering centuries of corruption and now with
the internet we are able to dig the lies faster than they can bury them.
Read the following at least on the above Freedom From Taxes page:

8. Supreme Court cases on Labor -

Also to understand fully what your rights are scan this page too
And this is a must read
We have NO government as it was defined in 1776 

* https://www.freedomforallseasons.org/CommonLaw.dwt.asp

The current system is a massive embezzlement of our rights and has NO
relation to a Constitutional Republic.  The cities, counties, states and
federal governments are municipal corporations who are cross boarded
with large national and international corporations and run by elite
global groups such as the Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers
and Trilateral's.  They select the significant candidates and the people
think they have a choice on who they are voting for.
Obama and McCain are not natural born and do not qualify to run.  The
One World Government people did not care who "won" because they selected
them both.  This is typical how all the races are run.  The parties are
only the puppets.
I just slammed together so don't look for spelling and grammar, it's
1:18 and past bed time here on the ranch.  Maybe forward this to your
husband or print it off.  I have been working on this research for years
and have tons of data.
The existing tax system is fraudulent and is only a wealth transfer
system to the central banks.  Most of the taxes go to pay for interest
which are totally unnecessary. 
I will be releasing another web page on the central banks soon and will
send it to you.  It is a Ponzi scheme.  Jackson tried to stop it and was
successful for a short time but ultimately the central bankers perverted
the monetary system and the liewyers perverted the judicial system and
the globalist have perverted the executive branch.  America is
bankrupted several times back in 1930's and we are being collateralized
for the debt.
 I have turned of ALL mainstream media and the radio long ago and do my
own reading and research.  Coast To Coast AM (570AM) Mon thru Sat 9PM to
2AM are doing a great job covering a lot of the freedom movement news
and interviews as well as their paranormal material.
Jack Venrick
Enumclaw, Washington
----- Original Message -----

From: Brooks, Allyson (DAHP)
To: Jack VenrickSent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 6:06 PM
Subject: RE: The History of Taking Down America & How Letters
Opposing National Heritage Area are Screened

Jack - Hope you are having a nice Sunday.  Your e-mails created
some interesting discussion in my house since my husband is a blue
collar worker who feels unfairly taxed.  However, my point back is that
somehow we have to pay for basic services such as roads, education,
fire, police, etc.  We can't live in anarchy.

But...I do agree with you that large corporations and large
money have affected the original concept of representative government.
I think our founding fathers would be appalled by PACS, opinion centered
news (such as FOX) and the obscene amounts of money poured into
campaigns.  We were supposed to be represented by the smartest people in
our communities, not the ones who could afford the most TV commercials.

But, the non-profits who came to the state with the heritage
area idea are not "tax exempt" corporations that you speak of.  They are
groups like the Center for Wooden Boats, Gig Harbor historical society,
Tacoma's working waterfront museum.  Small organizations that consist of
20-30 people, many of whom are retirees like yourself.  They are working
desperately to protect their local historic sites in a world that
doesn't care and doesn't seem to want to help them very much.  Perhaps
if we in America spent more time learning our history and protecting our
past, we wouldn't be in the situation we are today.  Everyone would
remember why we are a representative democracy and the symbols of our
past history would be properly protected. 

Thanks for starting an interesting debate at home.  Hope the
additional information is helpful.

All the best


Allyson Brooks
Director/State Historic Preservation Officer


From: Jack Venrick [mailto:jacksranch@skynetbb.com]
Sent: Sun 8/30/2009 4:10 PM
To: Brooks, Allyson (DAHP)
Cc: Scott Shock PropertyRights; CaptainKen Shock PropertyRights;
Tom DeWeese (APC)
Subject: The History of Taking Down America & How Letters
Opposing National Heritage Area are Screened

Allyson -

Tax exempt corporations are the drivers and power that have
corrupted government into the fascist system it is  today.  This is how
the central bankers and the money is hidden and launder to direct the
national and world affairs to their bidding.  Everything they do is for
a reason to herd profit and power into their corner.  All private and
public property in America is being confiscated by the globalist and
this has been going on since and before 1776.

* Go to this link and print it out this study and read all
of it in your spare time.


* Read this
* And this https://www.takingliberty.us/ MUST SEE

Jack Venrick
Enumclaw, Washington

----- Original Message -----
From: Brooks, Allyson (DAHP)

To: Jack Venrick Cc: Scott Shock PropertyRights
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:59 PM
Subject: RE: The History of Taking Down America & How
Letters Opposing National Heritage Area are Screened

Jack - You are correct. I did misspell grammar and I
shouldn't have counted on my spell check to pick it up. My error and I

The good news for you is that Enumclaw is outside the
boundaries of the proposed heritage area.  The proposed heritage area
only extends 1/4 mile in from the saltwater shoreline.  The concept is
not being put forward by government, but by local historical societies,
organizations and museums.  It was these local maritime groups that
requested that the state legislature and the National Park Service
develop a feasibility study.  The concept did not come from government
but from non-profit organizations that were hoping to increase heritage
tourism by promoting our wonderful maritime heritage. We have an amazing
maritime heritage in WA state and this was one mechanism different
groups were hoping to use to raise the visibility of our heritage.

Thank-you for the offer to reprogram my mind.  I shall
respectfully decline the offer. 

And I am not offended by your e-mails.  With all your
degrees in engineering you are obviously an intelligent person.  I am
proud enough of my nation to live by the premise that everyone is
entitled to their opinion whether or not I agree with it.

Also, I want to be clear that I do not consider myself
"the boss" at all even though I work for government.  I am very
respectful that I work for the taxpayers.  Most people would have read
your e-mails and not bothered to answer, particularly on a week-end, but
I am taking the time because at minimum you should know someone is
listening whether or not we are in agreement. 

And when I say have a nice week-end I mean it.  I am not
being sarcastic. 

Have a nice Sunday tomorrow. 

All the best


Allyson Brooks
Director/State Historic Preservation Officer


From: Jack Venrick [mailto:jacksranch@skynetbb.com]
Sent: Sat 8/29/2009 5:32 PM
To: Brooks, Allyson (DAHP)
Cc: Scott Shock PropertyRights; CaptainKen Shock
PropertyRights; Tom DeWeese (APC)
Subject: The History of Taking Down America & How
Letters Opposing National Heritage Area are Screened

Allyson -

Sorry, I must have forgotten you work for the
government, it was late when I replied.  I threw out too many pieces of
the puzzle of taking in America without giving you the box with the
picture on top, so to speak.  Once you see the big picture, you assume
everyone knows where the pieces go.  Let me start over.  All is NOT what
it appears to be or is represented or taught .

Please read the attached email's which are just a
sampling of the incoming today on the state of the nation especially one
positive reply.  I used to be dumb as a rock about our history.  It took
me 5 years and I can say I have only scratched the surface of the
orchestrated takings by our so called "government".  Without this new
perspective of American history one is completely lost, i.e.  they would
think you are the boss and I am the servant.

The reason my last email is "incoherent" to you is
because you do not have a clue of how America has been brought down,
with all due respect.  You have been brainwashed and "dumbed" down by
academia, your employer, the media, and the green extreme movement, just
like I was 5 years ago.  You live in a world of make believe and
arrogance created by an illegitimate unconstitutional government
including their state sponsored academia and the non government elite's
that are pulling the strings. Please don't feel alone or defensive. The
first step is to reprogram yourself.  Try it, you may become enlighten?

Scott is a very smooth fellow and is telling you what
you want to hear so you will wake up to what he and Tom DeWeese and
millions of others in America are saying, i.e. American "government" and
its non government sponsors have long left their 10 square miles
boundary in Washington D.C. Inc. and their territories, military bases
and ammo dumps.  Make sure and read those other attachments by Tom
DeWeese, he a Master exposing all of these illegitimate takings.

I am NOT going to tell you what you want to hear so you
will submit what I am exposing.  The fact you will not submit what I say
the first time, makes my case, i.e.  I am telling you exactly what you
don't want to hear.  92% of Americans do not want to hear the hard
truth, so you have lots of company.  You have spent a lifetime
justifying yourself, your state sponsored education and your position.
This type of thinking amounts to 11 trillion dollars of debt that USA
INC has got us into, i.e. needless government takings.  I spent a
lifetime justifying all my education and work for The Boeing Company
too, but I did it on my own dime not tax extortion.  I was dumb as a
rock then about history.   In fact I can make a strong case the rocks
were much smarter than all of us and still are!  At least the rocks are
surviving, while watching us and freedom die.

It has taken me 5 years to connect all the dots of
taking of our private and public property in America so I can understand
why you wouldn't understand in one email.  Give yourself and everyone
else a break.  Whether I tell you what you want to hear or what you
can't stand to hear, in an "incoherent" or "more coherent" fashion has
little to do with the hard truth of the situation. 

What I told you is clear to anyone in the property
rights and freedom movement.  However, it would not make any "sense" to
most government types, green types and all those who live on or use the
government for their own gain. The dots of taking over the last 233++
years are a very large puzzle and the few pieces I gave you are too far
apart for you to connect, unless you see the big picture on the box.
Again don't be offended, it is just the nature of the beast.

What I have learned over these last 5 years is posted on
my site.  I have had to repeat this story so many times I uploaded much
of the incoming and outgoing material from many others in the freedom
movement who are way ahead of the curve of taking.  They are continually
uncovering all of this treachery faster now than it can be buried by the
crooks in and out of the fascist system we have today, you call it
"government".  I call it a syndicated banking racket.

And I strongly  urge you to spend sometime learning our
history and not be so self righteous that you think you know it all and
can control what people submit whether you like the way they say it or
not.  I challenge you to drop all your limiting belief systems.  I had
too just to comprehend how much had been taken.  I could not believe
what I was learning nor could others.  Consider this exercise,
everything you know or have been taught is NOT true and everything
someone tells you especially outside of the government IS true.

If you are only submitting what you want to hear on this
feasibly study, one wonders, what else have you have deliberately
tampered with in your career. 

Let me give you the bottom line to what I have
substantiated beyond any reasonable doubt.  We have no legitimate
government in America.  It has long been bankrupted several times.  It
is no longer a Constitutional Republic and not even a "democracy", its
more of a fascist system. The tax system is totally unconstitutional and
fraudulent.  Most if not all of the wars were orchestrated for profit
and power. And I am an EX conservative hawk saying this.  Because of
what I learned, I changed my party status to a "free agent".  The
"government" for the most part has been incorporated into layers of
cross boarded municipal corporations and multinational corporations and
do not represent anybody but their own directors, central bankers, the
bench, Bar, and other special interests.  The fascist system is only
held together by increasing tyranny, Draconian regulations, and insane

It is even far worse than this brief "poorly written"
letter can say.  The so called "Constitutional Conventions" and the
resultant "Constitution" were never approved by the people nor their
Republics and Commonwealth legislatures.  The Articles of Confederation
which were the standing law of the land were unanimously approved by the
thirteen colonies.  However, the word was sent out before the
"Constitutional Conventions" that they were only going to amend the
Articles NOT rewrite them. The Federalist controlled the urban centers
and orchestrated enough pressure (13,000) to replace the Articles of
Confederation with an all powerful central government.  This was a
complete surprise and went 180 degrees against those who hated big
government, i.e. the majority of the colonists were faked out.  A strong
central government was the last thing free people wanted, after living
100 plus years under the tyranny of British, and other European
monarchies, kingdoms, et al.

Thus the last article in the Constitution stating the
nine states approving would be "enough", i.e. not quite enough for a
majority but "enough".  In other words, they could NOT initially get an
unanimous approval of their plans to centralize a strong government over
the very independent states but they did it anyway.  The remaining
states were strong armed later.   Also the Bill of Rights was left out
initially, the "liewyers" and others did not want the people to have any
rights.  It is said there were some 200 rights offered up initially, I
have gathered up 60 some that you can find on my  site.  The Bill of
Rights should have included all these in Articles, NOT just 10

Are you getting the picture yet or is my sentence
structure not quite correct for you?

In the book "The Constitution That Never Was" Ralph
Boryzewski, a 92 year old Rochester New York retired policeman makes a
great case, that the then American lawyers, many British trained,
orchestrated the break down of the "separation of powers".  They did
this by infiltrating every branch and creating a centralized all
powerful judiciary and ultimately progressive legal positivism that was
not wanted by any self respecting colonist or free man or women.  Ralph
fought the New York state political corrupt machinery for 50 years in
his career before he retired. 

And then the central banking families from Europe took
care of the rest of the spoils quickly.  I'm sure you see the big
picture by now.

One can say that the several million colonists at the
time only traded one form of slavery and for another.  The debtors
prison and religious persecution which they sailed away from, were only
transmuted from a very visible, cold and crude form of oppression in
England AND Europe to a maniacal divisive and deceptive central union
"government" of the states.  And that "union" was never an unanimous
union but if the hard truth were known, it was coupe by an elite few who
happen to be the creditor class.    I am a white middle class type, you
can check out my background at the bottom of my Home page.

The so called anti Federalist, those against the
orchestrated "Constitutional Conventions were right on and prophetic
looking back, without question.  All this is on my site.

Jackson and Hamilton fought over the central banks.
However, ultimately the central bankers took over.  The truth be known,
the European Bankers never left.  General Washington won the battle by
divine intervention but we immediately lost the war.  The monetary
system and our base of gold and silver was quickly taken down in large
part because of the orchestrated wars then of course the social
engineering of the New Deal took down all of the country.  Please go to
my page on "Must Read..Must See" and get all this material and study it.

Back to your "celebration" of your heritage.

* Trying to discuss the concept of a second
American revolution when I am simply trying to CELEBRATE our wonderful
country is baffling and has no relation to the issue at hand.  

If you want to gather up some funding and friends on a
strictly voluntary basis, on your own time and invite some of the tribes
down to the beach and have a "celebration" and dance to our heritage, go
for it.  Maybe I will come down and bring my drum. 

However, if you want to orchestrate some sort of
national/international CONgressional state taking, i.e. "heritage areas"
using more unconstitutional debt and illegitimate taxes placed on the
backs of the several state natural born, that is a very bad idea.  In
fact, it is also a very bad idea to "stimulate" CONgress at all and they
do NOT read the bills NOR do they honor their oath.  They are crooks and
they dishonor everyone while at the same time they authorize more debt
for the very acts of treason they commit.  They do all this while they
collude with multinational corporations, central banks and foreign
nations to take more of our private and public property with some
semantic swindling name assigned to it for camouflage.

Don't you get it?  The brokers always win every
transaction and the natural born sovereign and free state Citizens loose
loose their property, jobs, homes,  vehicles, and life to the
orchestration of legal fiction semantic swindling Bankers, Bench, Bar
and political Brokers.

Now they won't call it that because it would be too
obvious.  They will call it "sustaining development", I call in
sustaining death.  Or they may call it,  "Critical Areas" or "man caused
global warming" or "alternative energy" or "heritage areas" or whatever.
All of this junk "science".  Most of all they are semantic swindling
labels to gain funding and power over the poor wage earner or property
owners.  Oh and by the way they will also destroy the person and their
family and their life.  You don't believe me do you?  Check out the
facts on my site on embattled property owners page.

Glance at the attached email titled "Natl. Collective
Consciousness Call ..." from We The People group that says it all.

The rising tide of resentment and discontent in America,
i.e. the Second American Revolution, is as foreign to you and YOUR
"government" as it was to King George and the British during the some
100 years after they came after our freedoms again.  Early Americans ran
from this oppression in 1620 and they are rebelling again. 

Freedom was successful when we had little "government"
and we were left alone.  In the following 55 years after 1620, we were
becoming the envy of the power hungry European monarchies.  They were
always looking for more revenue, more slaves, more treasure, to war on
the rest of the world.  The Kings men started to arrive again in force
in 1675 to tax, occupy and oppress.  They and other European countries
long thought the new frontier in America would be a great "heritage"
area for their coffers too.

You have a title "Director of State Historic
Preservation" but you cannot connect the dots of taking that your own
office is involved in. You want to celebrate an event that ultimately
has a history of taking private property and making more public property
off-limits. This "feasibility study" has no standing and must be delayed
and stopped.   

* Trying to discuss the concept of a second
American revolution when I am simply trying to CELEBRATE our wonderful
country is baffling and has no relation to the issue at hand.   -
America cannot celebrate taking anyone's private or public property
* The state legislature directed this agency to
complete the feasibility study for the Maritime Heritage Area  -  JUST

It is not what you want to "celebrate" that is the issue
here, it is how the government is going about it and the complete lack
of the downstream collateral impact of what is being imposed on property
owners and the tax payers of the nation. All the takings are connected
and are amplified downstream not unlike a small quiet slipping of snow
grows into an avalanche.

Jack Venrick
Enumclaw, Washington
B.S. Electrical Engineering
M.S. Applied Science
Industrial Engineering
Business Administration
The Boeing Company
30 Years Retired
Electrical Systems
Industrial Engineering Systems
Resource Forecasting & Management Systems
Test Data Systems
Facilities Management Systems
Engineering Standards Systems


You misspelled "grammer" three times, it is correctly
spelled "grammar".  If you write me again try to have some command of
the King's English, i.e. consider running spell check on all your

"Have a "nice" day"

----- Original Message -----
From: Brooks, Allyson (DAHP)

To: Jack Venrick
Cc:Scott Shock
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 8:49 AM
Subject: RE: State Response re: Letter Opposing
National Heritage Area for WA coastlines

Jack - Please read Scott's e-mail to below,
opposing the heritage area, as part of this string of e-mails.  Scott's
e-mail to me was written in a coherent fashion, using clear English
grammer, and relating the importance of maritime history to the
possibility of a heritage area.  Scott clearly stated that he valued our
maritime history but was against the concept of a heritage area.

Your e-mail to me, however, is incoherent.  You
are rambling about government issues that do not relate to our maritime
heritage and celebrating the history of our state.  I appreciate the
fact that you oppose the concept of a heritage area but please oppose it
using clear English grammer, clear concepts, and relate your opposition
to the project at hand.  Scott's e-mail should be used by you as an
example of how to write in a clear, concise manner that makes the point.
Trying to discuss the concept of a second American revolution when I am
simply trying to CELEBRATE our wonderful country is baffling and has no
relation to the issue at hand.  

I will include Scott's e-mail in our study but
not yours as it does not relate to the concept of a heritage area but
discusses other unrelated issues.  Since I appreciate all different
viewpoints, which is what makes our nation so great, I strongly urge you
to work with Scott to write me again with your opposition that shows a
command of English grammer, along with an understanding of the concepts
at hand.  If you write me intelligently with your opposition I will
include your thoughts and concerns in the feasibility study.

By the way, I had many family members killed in
death camps in Germany or shot out right by Nazis in Greece.  I have
family members who survived.  I can tell you that death camps have
nothing to do with celebrating our maritime history.  You may want to
review WWII history so you have an understanding of the issue you are
referring to.

Please rewrite your e-mail (and ask Scott for
assistance). Again, if you send me an intelligently thought out,
grammatically correct opinion in an e-mail I will certainly include your
opposing views in our study.

Have a nice week-end.


Allyson Brooks

Allyson Brooks
Director/State Historic Preservation Officer

From: Jack Venrick
Sent: Fri 8/28/2009 9:54 PM
To: Brooks, Allyson (DAHP)
Subject: State Response re: Letter Opposing
National Heritage Area for WA coastlines

To: Allyson Brooks
Director/State Historic Preservation Officer
Department of Archaeology and Historic
bcc: Property Rights Groups, Evergreen Freedom
Foundation, Washington House, Senate, US Congressional Reps, Supreme
Court, Governors Office, Puget Sound Media, Friends & Neighbors


Here is another must read education for you by
Tom DeWeese, "Hallowed Ground and Government's Relentless Assault on
Private Property" - https://www.newswithviews.com/DeWeese/tom68.htm.
Also check this out https://www.newswithviews.com/DeWeese/tom137.htm.

Please understand that the union of the several
states and the UN do not have authority or jurisdiction in the sovereign
states.  Just because a Congressional delegation and a global elite make
a deal to transfer state public land and water into an international
domain does not the Constitutional law make in America, as much as you
and they like to think. 

U.S. Congress and the Washington State House and
Senate are more often in violation of the founding laws of the land.
Their is no government in America as it was originally intended.
America has long ago, been collateralized by the national and global
central bankers.

The U.S. National Park Service , the UN and the
US Congress is replete with examples of abutting private property owner

Transferring public or private land of the
several states and the union of the several states to elite national or
international bodies is an act of arrogance and treason that exemplify
the out of touch world, government types live in today. You are
"preserving" nothing but increasing global control of our own land.  

Government arrogance has long ago exceeded its
authority and jurisdiction, the laws of the land and the laws of Nature
and Nature's God.  The NPS,  UN, as well as Congress were never given
authority to transfer our land, our water, our sovereignty and our
recreation into the hands of elite green international globalist and
their agenda.  The several states, the union of the several states live
in a municipal incorporated land of OZ that is NOT part of America that
We the Natural Born, sovereign and free state Citizens live in.

You live in the Federal Zone and have NO rights
nor have the Natural Born given you or its CON..gress the  privilage to
tie up their own land with green agendas.  I hope you and our CON..gress
soon learn to play in your own sandbox and stay out of ours.  A Second
American Revolution is stirring over this escalating invasion of our
private and public land. 

The idea that green government and its
controlling non government tax exempt foundations think they can tie up
all our public and private land in America and turn it into a zoo, while
they herd the rest of us into urban sustaining death camps is an
"Obamination".  It is no wonder we have an illegal alien in the White


John(Jack) R. Venrick
Enumclaw, Washington

----- Original Message -----
From: Scott S. Shock
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 2:26 PM
Subject: State Response re: Letter
Opposing National Heritage Area for WA coastlines

Property Rights Activists,

FYI, we'll have to work on our
Congressmen and Senators to block this down the line.  In the meantime,
you can submit your comments as part of the Feasibility Study here:

And send a copy to Senators and Reps.


From: Brooks, Allyson (DAHP) [mailto:]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 12:36 PM
To: Scott Shock; Griffith, Greg (DAHP);
Whitlam, Rob (DAHP)
Subject: RE: Letter Opposing National
Heritage Area for WA coastlines

Dear Scott,

Thank you for taking the time to write
me with your opinion and for contributing your thoughts in a
professional and respectful manner (that doesn't always seem to be the
case these days....).  I will ensure that your e-mail is included in the
study as an additional opinion on the feasibility of becoming a heritage

.  Therefore, I am required by law to
complete the study.  However, the study is supposed to generate comments
and concerns such as yours, not just supporters.  Therefore, we will
include your concerns with those of others who either support or don't
support the concept.  The feasibility study will ultimately be forwarded
to the National Park Service who will be making the decision as to
whether its feasible. or not, for WA to have a National Maritime
Heritage Area.  Ultimately, NPS will be looking to see whether we have
the resources, and more importantly, whether there is local support for
the designation. 

Should the NPS determine that it is
feasible to be a heritage area, it will then be up to WA's Congressional
delegation to pass a bill designating WA as a National Maritime Heritage
Area.  You should also ensure that the Congressional delegation is aware
of your views. 

Thank you again for contacting me.  I
appreciate hearing your concerns and opinions.

All the best


Allyson Brooks Ph.D.
Director/State Historic Preservation
Department of Archaeology and Historic

Please note: As of Sept. 22nd 2008, DAHP
will have new office hours.  The agency will be open from 7-5:30 on
M-Thurs and closed on Fridays.


From: Scott Shock
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 12:18 PM
To: Brooks, Allyson (DAHP); Griffith,
Subject: Letter Opposing National
Heritage Area for WA coastlines

Dr. Allyson Brooks and Colleagues,

I can appreciate that the feasibility
study <https://www.maritimeheritage.net/resources/mha.asp>  you are
leading on establishing a National Maritime Heritage Area is a
well-intentioned effort to showcase our maritime heritage throughout the
state.  In the recent Kitsap Sun article
g-harbor/?story_detail_gig-harbor=1#ixzz0OkVLFcNs), you were quoted as
saying that "the designation would have no imposition on private
property rights" and that it "doesn't affect local control over land
use".  However, there will inevitably be an impact on property rights
and land use, as local governments and NGOs will inevitably modify their
land use decisions and actions were an NMHA present.  This will
certainly have a cumulative impact on property rights and the health and
viability of communities over time (reference
<https://www.newswithviews.com/DeWeese/tom102.htm> ).  The suggestion
that we will gain more tourism as a result of the NMHA is appealing, but
unlikely to be significant enough to offset the impacts to property
owners and communities of land use decisions that will inevitably be
taken by local governments and NGOs if an NMHA were present.

As one who was raised on an antique
wooden schooner for six years of my childhood, I greatly appreciate and
treasure our maritime heritage.  However, I strongly urge you to give up
the pursuit of the NMHA.  The federal designation is not necessary to
achieve the tourism goals.  Volunteer collaborative efforts from local
preservation organizations could link together different parts of our
maritime heritage by creating web-based resources, pamphlets, etc for
interested tourists.  That would be a much more wholesome, spirited, and
cost-effective way to treasure our heritage without more federal
government over-reach impacting our communities.  In fact, since it
appears that your agency has already facilitated a web-based network of
maritime heritage resources (Maritime Heritage Network
<https://www.maritimeheritage.net/> ), why do we need a national
designation?  Let's leave the bloated federal government out of our
maritime heritage and our communities.  We can have a better, happier
future without it.

Best regards,

Scott Shock

Director, Citizens' Alliance for
Property Rights (www.capr.us




By Tom DeWeese
January 23, 2008

One of the dangerous pieces of
legislation lying in wait as Congress reopens for business is the
"Celebrating America's Heritage Act." The bill has already passed the
House (H.R.1483) by a vote of 291-122 and now awaits action in the
Senate. Why is it so dangerous?

If passed, it would create six new
national Heritage Areas and increase federal funding for nine existing
heritage areas by 50 percent. The bill would send over $135 million of
federal pork to special interests to be used to influence local zoning
laws and help lock away private land in the name of historic

The six Heritage Areas to be created by
the legislation include The Journey Through Hallowed Ground National HA,
covering parts of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania and West Virginia;
Niagara Falls National HA in New York; Muscle Shoals National HA in
Alabama; Freedom's Way National HA in Massachusetts and New Hampshire;
Abraham Lincoln National HA in Illinois; and the Santa Cruz National HA
in Arizona.

To understand the massive size and
impact of these designations, consider the controversial "Journey
Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area" (JTHG). JTHG is designed
to cover a 175-mile corridor from Thomas Jefferson's "Monticello" in
Charlottesville, Virginia to the battlefield in Gettysburg,

Sold as a way to "honor" and promote
tourism to the many historic sites in the area where much of the Civil
War was fought, the Heritage Area really serves as a stealth land grab.
Heritage Areas are federal land use mandates with specific boundaries
foisted on local communities. Those boundaries have consequences for
property owners caught inside.

It must be understood the Heritage Area
affects all the land in the designated area, not just recognized
historic sights. The federal designation, made from congressional
legislation, like H.R.1483, creating federal regulations and oversight
through the National Park Service, require a form of contract between
state and local governmental entities and the Secretary of the Interior.
That contract is to manage the land-use of the region for preservation.
That means federal control and zoning, either directly, under the terms
of the "management pact" or indirectly.

Such "indirect" control is the real
danger. In spite of the specific language in the bill which states
property rights will be protected, the true damage to homeowners may
well come from private groups, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and
preservation agencies which receive public funds through the Park
Service to implement the polices of the Heritage Area.

The funds flowing from the Park Service
provide a seductive pork barrel system for private advocacy groups to
enforce their vision of development of the Heritage Area. The experience
with more than twenty-four such Heritage Areas now in existence
nationwide clearly shows such groups will convert this money into
political activism to encourage local community and county governments
to pass and enforce strict zoning laws. While the tactic makes it appear
that home rule is fully in force, removing blame from the federal
designation, the impact is fully the fault of the Heritage Areas
designation. The result being private property owner's rights are
diminished and much of the local land use brought to a standstill.

Zoning and land use policies are and
should be local decisions to be made by locally elected officials who
are directly accountable to the citizens they represent. However,
National Heritage Areas corrupt this inherently local procedure by
adding federal dollars, federal oversight, and federal mandates to the

Specifically, when an area is designated
a National Heritage Area, the Park Service partners with environmental
or historic preservation special interest groups to "restore, preserve,
and manage" anything and everything that is naturally, culturally,
historically, and recreationally significant to the Heritage Area. That
is exactly what legislation for HR. 1143 says. This sweeping mandate
ensures that every square inch of land, whether private or public is a
prime target for regulation or acquisition.

But what of the promised tourism that is
supposed to help local communities? Many members of Congress admit they
support the concept of Heritage Areas for that very reason: jobs created
by people visiting their little part of the world to see why it's so
special. Is it true?

As has been stated, those boundaries
have consequences - strict control over the use of the land. Certain
industries may prove to be too "dirty" to satisfy environmental special
interests. Eventually such existing industrial operations will find
themselves regulated or taxed to a point of forcing them to leave or go
out of business. Property that is locked away for preservation is no
longer productive and no longer provides the community with tax dollars.
Roads most assuredly will be closed (to protect the integrity of the
historic area). That means land is locked away from private development,
diminishing growth for the community. It also means hunting and
recreational use of the land will most certainly be curtailed.

Eventually, such restrictions will take
away the community's economic base. Communities with sagging economies
become run-down and uninviting. Preservation zoning and lack of jobs
force ordinary people to move away. Experience has shown tourism rarely
materializes as promised. And it's never enough to save an area

These are the reasons why the specific
language in the Heritage Area legislation designed to protect private
property rights is basically meaningless to the actual outcome. While
the land is not specifically locked away in the name of the federal
designation, its very existence creates the pressure on local government
to act. The result is the same.

It is interesting to note that
proponents of Heritage Areas refuse to even consider a program to
officially notify landowners of pending Heritage Area designations. When
specifically asked to include such notification in their plans, they
shuffle their feet, say there is no way to do it and then drop the
subject. Of course the ability is there. The mailman delivers to each
and every one of the homes in the designated area every day. No matter
how noble a project may sound, alarm bells should go off when proponents
want to enforce their vision in secret.

The fact is the Heritage Area
designations are completely unnecessary. Most of the historic sites are
already under the control of the National Park Service, including Thomas
Jefferson's home, Manassas Battle field (Bull Run - to you Yankees) and
Gettysburg Battlefield. Several other birthplaces and significant
historic sights are also well preserved.

The boundaries of Gettysburg, for
example, were specifically laid out by the men who fought there. Most of
the land was private and donated to the park by the owners more than 125
years ago. While protecting private property and the farms across which
the battle raged, they preserved the most significant parts into what
today is a comprehensive memorial.

This old system of voluntary
contributions and non-coerced purchases of the land is far superior to a
process that uses the massive power of the federal government to rip out
the roots of property owners who are simply unlucky enough to live near
something that should be special and precious. Given their way, many
preservationist special interest groups would set out to turn the entire
nation into a museum.

In contrast, it is significant to note
that today, as a coercive preservation policy is imposed in Gettysburg,
the community has seen the near destruction of its once vital downtown
where private businesses are being forced out. Many parts of downtown
now seem rundown and void of significant businesses like clothing shops
or hardware stores. Most businesses in the downtown area today are
restaurants and tee shirt shops designed for the tourist industry.
That's not the way for a town to build a future.

Every step of land had something from
the past occur on it. But let us remember, those who fought on these
fields of "hallowed ground" did so to protect our liberty, including
ownership of private property. One must ask how they would react to huge
government restrictions over the land now, simply because they fought
there. One can envision them again taking up arms to free it from
government clutches.

Proponents of Heritage Areas are using
our great love of history as an emotional sledgehammer to impose a
massive federal pork barrel scheme that enriches the pockets of private
advocacy groups by helping to impose draconian controls over the dreams
of average American homeowners.

(c) 2008 Tom DeWeese - All Rights